Director: Giorgio Cugno
Scriptwriter: Giorgio Cugno
Producer: Marta Giordanino – Giorgio Cugno
Production: Ganglio Film
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Format: Dcp 2K – Colour
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 94 min.
Country: Italy
Language: Italian

Year: 2012

Main Festivals:

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

Festival del Cinema Europeo di Lecce

Göteborg Film Festival

Seminci Valladolid International Film Festival

Tiblisi International Film Festival

Villerupt Italian Film Festival

Journée du Cinéma Italien, Nice

Alexandria Mediterranean Countries Film Festival


A young married couple, Arianna and Milo, are delighted by the birth of their first child. But, of course, six months later everything is different: for the young woman, daily life in their apartment in the suburbs of Torino has become a grueling routine focused exclusively on the child. The economic crisis and postpartum depression deeply affect the young woman´s life as she desperately tries to find herself again. Debut director Giorgio Cugno built his visually impressive project upon authentic details and a claustrophobic atmosphere.